(17) WAND - Golem

The name of this band and of their second record should give a reasonable idea of what they sound like: this is largely psychedelic stoner rock.  Golem is all weird soundscapes and rumbling Black Sabbath-esque riffs, punctuated by sudden bursts of punk (and occasionally some odd electric beeps).  An acquired taste to be sure, and not likely to be bothering any album of the year lists (beyond this one).  Who cares, this is a real find: Golem is a brilliantly unpredictable record, and much of the joy is in seeing how the various elements are crafted together to make a coherent whole.  It manages to draw on numerous influences from the 60s and 70s, but is very much its own thing, and will surprise (and occasionally confuse) those adventurous enough to dip in.  Heavy, trippy, awesome.

sample track: Self Hypnosis in 3 Days